see below to download your care guide, and find other hair extension resources here!


  • If you have questions, or if anything comes up for you during your extension wear time; please reach out to me directly!

    You can add my contact card to your phone directly by clicking here.

  • Although the Combline bonds will shed throughout your wear time, the bonding material is designed to break down after 8 weeks of wear.

    If you have bonds that are staying in your hair longer than recommended or past the 8 week mark, you will absolutely need to have your extensions removed!

    Extensions that have been worn past the recommended wear time can create additional tension on your natural hair and can absolutely cause damage to your hair.

  • The removal process is simple! Removals on extensions that have been well-cared for and are removed within the recommended time, generally take about

    The bonds of your extensions are round in shape.. For removal, we apply a removal solution to the bonds, flatten them with a tool, and the attachment is then slid off the hair.

    Extension removals can be complicated by: excess tangling, not brushing the extensions, and extensions that have otherwise been neglected.

    Removing extensions that have not been cared for require additional time and investment for the removal service. We recommend reaching out to your specialist in any instance that you are having trouble with brushing or any other care aspect of your hair.